Friday, July 16, 2010

Tennessee Titans Chris Johnson: The New Face of the NFL?

I recently received the latest issue of Sporting News with Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans featured on the cover with a headline that read, "The New Face of the NFL".  No question mark.  They are boldly declaring that title! 

Hmmm.  Interesting.  Well, my first thought was not if they don't pay this man that's currently in the middle of a contract dispute and threatening to miss training camp.  But more than that, this headline caused me to pause for a second and ask myself (outloud), "really?"  I understand he's a beast on the field, rushing for 2,006 yards last season.  And, anyone that plays Fantasy Football must agree that he's most definitely worthy of the first pick in this year's draft.  So, me questioning Sporting News' claim has zilch to do with his athleticism and more to do with his image or appearance.  

Yes, I'm speaking of the appearance of unkempt dreads, gold fronts, and a black leather bomber in blazing hot temps, which is how he was most recently spotted on the red carpet.  If you watched the ESPY Awards this week, then I'm sure you can at least see where I'm coming from, even if you don't agree.
The reason I was frozen in my footsteps upon reading the Sporting News headline is because I don't think we've evolved enough as a country or are progressive enough as a people to deem someone that looks like Chris the face of a multi-billion dollar brand.  Especially a business that is run by white men in custom suits.  Yes, we have a black president, but let's be real, President Obama and Chris Johnson come from and exist in two very different worlds. 

If Chris' phone suddenly started ringing off the hook and he was offered all of the endorsement deals that are reserved for Peyton Manning, the current face of the NFL, I'd be beyond shocked! 

Well, so far, Chris has managed to secure one major endorsement deal.  Powerade came calling and Chris answered. 

His Powerade campaign debuted during the World Cup.  When asked why they teamed up with Chris, Powerade went on record to say, "We really want to connect with high school athletes, with multicultural youth.  The only way to do that is to be genuine with the person you partner with, " Powerade brand director Frank Bracken says.  "Powerade has got a little bit of edge, a little bit of personality and rawness to it.  Chris embodies those as a player and with his personality and how he carries himself."

I can't disagree with that.  I actually commend Powerade for exploring uncharted territory.  As soft spoken as Chris may be, he is known for his in-your-face touchdown celebrations, superlative declarations, and his raw and gritty style of play.  He's also able to connect with the youth because he comes from a challenge-filled childhood which resulted in Chris getting kicked out of school in seventh grade after being falsely accused of stealing, only to get into a fight in the first week at his new school.  But, his devotion to football inspired him to do better and redirect his focus.  Qualities that young athletes will certainly admire and respect.  So for that, I love Powerade for partnering with Chris Johnson because they feel that his attributes are representative of their brand.  In my opinion, that should be the foundation of a any good partnership.  Although, not many brands would look beyond Chris' outward appearance and the stereotypes that come along with it; and fork over millions of dollars.  Because regardless of how successful you've been on the field, how many odds you've beaten to reach the top, you still share the burden of your peers that were less disciplined and unable to leave the past behind.

Chris Johnson knows the value he holds and the opportunities that await him.  He's already claimed to be better than Adrian Peterson and everyone else, likening his "new reign" as the face of the NFL to Obama becoming our first Black President.  Johnson's exact words were, "Obama was the first black president.  I could be the first black face of the NFL."  OK, I think he's reaching with regard to his first black face of the NFL reference.  There have been a few people to hold that spot down in the past....Jim Brown, Walter Payton, Bo Jackson, and OJ Simpson. But, I see the point he was making.  The boy next door isn't exactly the first thought that comes to mind when you think of Chris Johnson, so it would be noteworthy if he was offered the same mainstream marketing opportunities as Peyton Manning.

Personally, I would love for Chris to clean up his appearance a bit.  Nothing major...just lose the gold fronts that's he's been rocking since high school and tighten up the locs.   There's so much money to get, I don't want judgmental people (slowly raises hand) to overlook an incredible talent .  As the old saying goes, perception is reality.  And, if your appearance gives off the perception that you're easily distracted by vices from your past, you may never get the opportunity to prove otherwise, fair or unfair.

However, if Powerade is comfortable with cutting Johnson a check, then I should cut him some slack and let him do him.  I'm just extremely passionate about the perception of young black men in America and advocate for them.  Many athletes catch flack for living flashy, selfish, overindulgent lifestyles and are also criticized for how they look while doing so. If removing a few attention grabbing accessories will open more doors, line his pockets with money, and eliminate stereotypical chatter, then I'm all for it.  But, I also respect people that don't compromise who they are and stay true to themselves. 

Chris Johnson will be a fun and interesting player to watch over the next few years.  ESPN has already crowned him the Breakthrough Athlete of the Year.  There's no doubt he'll continue to do his thing on the field, but I'm curious to see if he'll also breakthrough barriers off the field. 

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